April 2023 / Aftermarket

Simplified Warranty Claims for Improved Quality Tracking

On April 14, 2023, Bobcat released a simplified “Fault Found” / ”Caused By” portion of the warranty claim submittal form in IRW.

The “Fault Found” pick list is switching from product-specific to the same list for all products. The list was shortened to 28 total options by focusing on just 10 choices to cover the 3Ls (Leak, Loose, Electrical) plus 18 choices to cover all other possibilities.

When filing a claim, you will still need to select a “Caused By” value until that option is removed at a later date.

As Bobcat product offerings have grown dramatically in the last few years, the “Fault Found” / “Cause By” options increased as well.

The number of selections was becoming too complicated and lacked continuity across products. Additionally, it was challenging to correlate the data for quality tracking.

This created a great opportunity to improve the dealer experience while providing more value to our shared quality goal.

The simplified system will provide a consistent experience for you, the dealer, giving you a concise and predictable list to choose from.

