August 2022 / Aftermarket

Warranty parts return information update

Bobcat part return information

Dear Dealers,

We would like to provide you with an overview of the warranty Bobcat part return process.

If you are using our Bobcat DHL account 968570441, is our DHL administrator and can be contacted if there is any issue related to email address validation of a dealer using our DHL Express account for the first time. Any new request is usually validated within 48 hours of the initial request, and once this step is done it will be no longer required for future shipment requests of the same user.

If a dealer was requested to ship defective Bobcat parts to one of our vendor warehouses, their DHL account number will be different and therefore must be approved by their administrator as per the requirements set by the DHL carrier according to the E-secure process ( you can download the DHL eSecure Step by Step Guide here).

If the supplier is not validating the dealer’s email address for the required part shipment within the same week, please contact us at and we will be able to assist by contacting the supplier’s DHL administrator directly to avoid any warranty claim being denied when the 30-day deadline is reached and the part was not shipped.

Should you need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact us for support.


Best regards,

Bobcat Aftermarket team
